Tag Archives: Jesus

In Praise of Teachers—4,000 Years of Preparing the Next Generation

dPIAUPDATE! This post was originally published on May 7, 2013.  As long as humans have existed, people have learned from one another. It’s in our DNA. This is the genetic matrix upon which great civilizations evolved and centers of knowledge arose. For those who become the teachers, they take on the mantle of an ancient and noble art. AntiquityNOW is an enthusiastic supporter of teachers and their contributions through the often tumultuous but ever intriguing course of history. In that spirit we will be announcing on Tuesday, October 14 a very special resource tool specifically designed for teachers that can help them demonstrate to their students how the ancient past is not as distant as they may think. Stay tuned!

For more about inspiring and influential educators throughout history, check out our slideshow celebrating World Teachers’ Day 2013.


Who was your favorite teacher or professor?  Can you still remember his or her lectures, an activity you did in class, a lesson that changed the way you think about the world?  Great teachers make an indelible mark on their students and are often remembered long after those students leave the classroom.  In honor of Teacher Appreciation Day, we take a look back at some of antiquity’s greatest educators and how we continue to use their teachings and methods today. Continue reading

Bon Appetit Wednesday! St. Nicholas or Santa Claus? A Cookie Is Still As Sweet….


Below are two cookie recipes:  one in honor of St. Nick and the other Santa Claus.  For those of you who have a healthy dose of curiosity as well as a sweet tooth, let’s explore how these two holiday figures came to be.

St. Nicholas was a bishop in southwestern Turkey in the 4th century.  Born to a wealthy family, he gave much of his money away in support of the poor.  As the bishop of Myra, he had a number of miracles attributed to him and was eventually declared a saint.  His feast day was celebrated on December 6th.  During St. Nicholas’ lifetime, Pope Julius I decided that Jesus should be given a day that could be celebrated in honor of his birth.  Because the winter solstice was already being celebrated, the birthday for Jesus was designated to coincide, which eventually proved successful in “Christianizing” the previously pagan holiday.  Over time St. Nicholas’ day and Jesus’ birthday became associated, and the Christmas tradition began.   Because St. Nicholas was beneficent in his offerings to the poor, stuffed stockings and gifts became synonymous with this day. Continue reading