Our Colors

The colors of AntiquityNOW were chosen not only for their aesthetic value, but also for what each color signifies. Each is linked to the past, taken directly from the palette of ancient Egypt.  Color was central to everything the Egyptians created. It was a clue to the item’s very nature. The colors used by AntiquityNOW mirror our mission by reflecting how ancient ideas and customs continue to influence us today.

Turquoise swatchShades of green represented new life, resurrection and well-being. Turquoise specifically was also seen as a color of joy and it reminded the Egyptians of the sun’s rays at dawn. Because of its relation to the color blue, it was also considered divine and was often used in holy places.  
Ochre swatchYellow and gold, the colors of the sun, represented all that was eternal and indestructible. The Egyptians even believed the bones of the gods were made of gold; thus, a pharaoh’s sarcophagus was made of gold because he would become a god.  
Blue swatch Blue was the color of the sky and water, and was representative of the yearly flooding of the Nile. Blue was considered a divine color that symbolized creation and rebirth. Although the Egyptians used natural sources of blue hues, they also used technology to create the world’s first synthetic pigment, known since medieval times as Egyptian blue.”  

Maroon swatchRed was a powerful color of extremes. It represented chaos and disorder, but also life and protection. It was often used in amulets to guard against danger both in life and in death.


One response to “Our Colors

  1. Pingback: Ancient Egyptian Blue: How the World’s First Synthetic Pigment Is Producing Tomorrow’s Brave—and Colorful–New World | AntiquityNOW

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